Thursday, 29 September 2011

paper corset!

Began to make a corset this evening for my final piece of our 'wasps' project. It's coming along nicely, I'm just waiting for the paper mache to dry. It wont be a corset that you can wear but I'm making it as it is inspired by the shape of the body of a wasp, the waist, which is virtually non-existent reminds me of a corset in the olden days, where they had to where corset which squeezed their waist right in, sometimes to the point where they fainted. I began to google 'corset's' to get some ideas of shapes etc, and I discovered that there was actually such thing as a 'wasp waist corset'! how odd! So i guess that that is what i am creatinggg :D
The designs

This is the back, it has a little point at the bottom for the sting of the wasp!

The middle bit where the corset waist is really small, just like a wasps body.

Tis is the front at the bust, im oing to give it a texture which represent the wasps nest, papery and delicate. Also the toilet rolls are to make the shape of the tubes in the wasps nest.

Same, just a different angle :)

Hopefully I'll get this done by monday! Aaaaah!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Prospectus' coming out my ears!

Okay so I didnt realise prospectus' I actually ordered, nearly everyday I've got home this week there's been atleast 2 waiting for me on the door step! My room is going to be full of them! Falmouth and Bath Spa came yesterday, and Newport  today. I reeaaaallyyy like Falmouth, although it's a bit far to travel down to the open day so I'm going to have to ring up and squeeze as much info out of them as I can! Newport is another one near to the top of my list, however Im not confident it is the right university for fashion design hmmm.. Will see if I can go to the open day for a nose around :D

This week has been pretty hectic for college work, as our 3 week project is due in on monday, so I've been experimenting with more media than I can list. I've really enjoyed it though. Today I stayed mainly on the sewing machine, and I made what could be a pillow case I guess, it looks very textiley as you can see !
I also had an attempt at making an origami wasp which did NOT come out well, so I dont think I'll be posting that on here! ha ha

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Week 2

Unfortunately I didnt have time last week to begin 'THE BLOG' however I have now found time to eventually start! Week 2 as a second year art btec student.. WOW. It aint easy!
In the first 2 weeks we have already, captured wasps!- more importantly, we have.. drawn the wasps with sticks using ink; drawn them with food colouring (drawn them with bleach/taken away colour); drawn them with pencils; drawn them with biro; drawn them with fine liner; heat transferred images of the wasps; taken photo's of the wasps; created collages of the wasps, and printed these collages, created gold cards and monoprints; and created photograms.. OF THE WASPS. Despite the reoccurring pattern which you may/may not have noticed I have actually really enjoyed my first 2 weeks and look forward to completing the year!  This is all work for our portfolios which are going to look LAVLYY and full of life (minus the dead wasps-they wont be full of life), as I'd quite like to get into Uni as I'm already a 3rd year.. yay -.-
Here are a few images/ drawings I have experimented with :)   Love Eve.
fine-liner drawn onto a collaged background


Pencil drawing (contrast turned up)

Mono-print #1

Mono-print #2

Gold card

Close up!

Gold card #2 (really like the newspaper effect behind)

Food-colouring background, drawn into with ink, bleach and food-colouring.

Heat transfer- Did not go well! just experimenting..

Experimenting with movement on my photograms.