Monday, 29 April 2013


Okay so I went to Amsterdam the other week to attend an interview for the university, I went with confidence as I have nearly completed my first year of Fashion design at Notttingham Trent university, and I was going for an interview for their first year of fashion, so basically I would be one year ahead.

The flight was very short, THANK GOD as I had been travelling ALL DAY. Nottingham to London to amsterdam to Mauritskade... 12 hours of travelling just for a 15 minute interview really was not ideal, but I wanted it so badly.

I'll cut to the chase.. the interview did not go well at all.. I went in was pretty confident.. and then it was like they were trying to find faults in me and my work. But since then I have been trying to just get on with my work and not think about it too much, If I get in.. great, if I dont then it wasnt meant to be, atleast I tried.

I'm currently doing my final project, which is all about colour. I'm basing it on tribal aspects such as clothing, forridging for food and just the general idea of creating everything from scratch such as harvesting their own food and using rags for clothing.

The main idea within this is that our first world country is trying their absolute best to try and go back to that because we have used so many fuels in order to get to where we are now that we have damaged our environment. So the best way for us would be to grow our own crops, use eco fabrics etc and I was looking at how we are basically turning to the ways that tribes use. Obviously their are certain aspects that we will keep such as clean water and santitation, but we are mainly looking to find things ourselves and grow our own crops from home.

Within my final collection I'd like to look at the juxtoposition between now and where we'd like to be so I'd like to create a non symmetric garment that shows this as well as using colour for attention to deatail, so the garment made be made of navy blue and I'd have say red pockets, something small that will really stand out.

The other thing I'd like to do is use eco fabrics, however after talking to a 2nd year teacher this may not be po0ssible for my actual collection as these sorts of fabrics are very expensive, but perhaps this could be my USP in the future, and the idea behind can still be portrayed throughout my project.

So these are just the general intitial ideas and you can kind of grasp the ideas that I will be using..

Will be posting more again soon!- when I can find the time!! AHHHH