Saturday 10 December 2011


As You can tell by the title of the post, portfolio's is pretty much it at the moment, I've been putting together the last few pages tonightt, but still need to do a few more sheets as I need to do some photoshoots etc before I can let it be marked on wednesdayyyyy :)
Well lasty night and the night before I baby sat for a family just down the road from me, ohhww they have cats and I'm soooo allergic its awful! They came home one night and my right eye was like the size of a tennis ball! It was horrendous!, but anywayy, so I've been babysitting, and I've had a bit of time to do some fashion designs for a project we did in the btec first, it was a recycled fashion project, and I picked out of a hat the item 'cape' and the object 'plastic cups'. I loved this project so muchhh! And this just one of the designs which I've done, this is how the cape actually turned out when I made it, but I will be posting more alternative designs of different 'plastic cup capes' very soon! I just need to crack on with some! :D

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