Tuesday 19 February 2013

DCC- Design Culture and Context- Modernism

As I have to begin writing an essay soon based on modernism, one the ideas raised in class was "Is it okay for men to wear skirts?" Personally I dont think the image of a train of male models strolling down the catwalk in black and white leather skirts is particularly attractive. However different people have different views, and I totally respect that.
I do think that men and women should be equal, but should we know when to draw the line? Should there be a line? As well with Gay marriage recently being approved I thought that this was the perfect time to look into this a bit more, so I began researching designers who had designed male outfits which were very influenced by womens clothing.

I came across a Topman collection which includes a modern version of the Catholic school girl uniform, the only difference is, is that its all in red. And for men.

Do you think that we should be mocking certain religions by using their style/ religious objects such as the cross as a means of fashion?
 I mention the cross because you can find this in pretty much any highstreet shop, and I recently found out that the cross upside down is actually 'antichrist' and I maybe think that we shouldnt be allowed to wear these, just because it's 'fashion'.

These were just a few thoughts to start me off on essay ideas.

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